• Attrition costs companies 18 months' salary for each manager or professional who leaves, and 6 months' pay for each hourly employee who leaves.

  • Attrition has surged by more than 25% over the past five years, and unemployment and joblessness rates remain quite low.

  • Employee attrition could eat upto 40% of an organization's profits.

  • According to experts, the cost of attrition is 1.5 times the annual salary.

  • A research study conducted by AssessPeople(formerly Careersindia ) across various regions in India pointed that Lack of Induction, Training, Supportive Work environment and professional management are the primary causes for attrition.

  • While most people tell HR they are leaving for more money or a better opportunity, 88% change jobs because of negative factors in their current workplace, ranging from sub par people management to toxic culture.

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